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I genuinely believe that we are all here for a higher purpose. What we bring to this world is unique. We are all needed. This thought process is what kept me alive in my childhood. No one knew it, but I was depressed. So depressed that I thought about suicide many times daily. I would have constant anxiety and panic attacks.
Growing up in a toxic environment was the catalyst for these feelings. I never felt like I was good enough or truly accepted for who I was as a person.
I was always sick, mostly with sinus infections, and physically never felt well. I started having fibromyalgia symptoms at 12 years old, have had digestive problems and food allergies from a very young age. Other health problems have developed as I’ve gotten older.
Regardless of how emotionally or physically terrible it felt, I always knew that God did not put me on this earth to be miserable. I knew that there was something more and something more significant.
Music was a beautiful gift that has always been in my life. I used that gift as a way to heal and work through my emotions. I started singing when I was two years old and picked up a violin at eight years old. I could always count on music. I always knew it was there. When I would play and sing, it was like I was being transformed into a place of peace, joy, and tranquility. Music had such a significant impact on me as a child that I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
I went to college and got a degree in music education. I always knew I would want to teach privately and perform. I knew teaching one on one would give me the ability to work with each student on a deeper level. I worked hard, wrote, and recorded music and performed.
Five years after college, I got married, bought a house, and got pregnant. Much to my husband and my surprise, we were having TWINS. Our twins came at 26 weeks and five days. One of my daughters broke her water, which resulted in me getting an infection. They had to take them by emergency C section before I went septic. It was one of the scariest times of my life. When I woke up from surgery, all I wanted to know was, “Were my girls alive?”Adriana and Keana spent 147 days in the NICU. I spent 8-12 hours a day every day with them. We had two huge scares with both of them, where we weren’t sure if they would make it. They are amazing fighters, and I knew in my soul they would be ok. THEY WERE!
Do we still have medical stuff? YES, but this is our normal.

What I have learned from such a life-changing moment, is life is precious. It woke me up. It deepened my connection to Source, to my Angels and Guides. It made me realize that I must follow my heart. My heart KNOWS it wants to support others on their path to living connected, joyous, and happy. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for taking the time to read the condensed version of my life’s story. May life bring you peace, love, abundance, and a deep soul connection.



  • Studied Sound Healing
  • Introduction to Crystals Course
  • Usui Reiki Master
  • Level 3 Gendai Reiki Certified 
  • Life Coaching Certification


  • Certified Angel Card Reader
  • Certified Fairyologist
  • Reiki Level 1 & 2 Certification 
  • Certified Realm Reader


  • BM Music Education specializing in voice and violin


Molly Rahe

Molly Rahe is a Soul Movement Coach, Sound Healer, Reiki Master, teacher, Professional Musician, composer and arranger. She is the founder of SoulBrations, a movement that encourages people to find the song in their soul so that they may connect with their most authentic self. She works with people to release trauma, fears, and old belief systems that no longer serve them. Molly believes if we learn how to release the things that are holding us back, learning self love becomes easier. In knowing our truest self, we can honor our soul’s purpose in this lifetime. Music has always been part of Molly’s life. She has used music as a tool for healing her soul throughout difficult life events. Molly uses the power of sound vibration and how sound resonates in our soul for healing and soul movement. Molly is a Usui Reiki Master and Certified Level III Gendai Reiki. She is the host of SoulFessions podcast and co host of the podcast, The Butterfly Kinection. Molly has a BM in Music Education from Mansfield University, specializing in voice and violin. Molly currently lives in Harrisburg, PA with her husband and twin girls. She has been teaching and playing and singing professionally since 2004. In that time she has worked with 100's of students of all ages eager to learn. Her private music studio is located in her home where she offers in person and online lessons. Since beginning her performance career in 2004, she has provided vocal or violin music for more than 500 weddings and numerous public and private events. She is currently an artist in residence at Penn State Hershey Medical Center and has a publishing deal through Rock Diva Sugar Daddy Publishing.